Testimonial from Emily Dinakis

Owner / manager, Endota Spa – Eltham Victoria

While I feel that my professional and personal lives are quite different, the effect of one on the other is unavoidable.

I am extremely competitive by nature and always strive to be the best, yet at the same time had reached a point in my business where I couldn’t seem to get the motivation to continue to implement and create new ideas that ensure its continued growth. It wasn’t through lack of passion or because of any job dissatisfaction, the fact was that I didn’t know what it was that was holding me back.

After only a handful of sessions with Sue I truly feel I’m back on track. Sue has taught me some very simple techniques that I use on a daily basis and also helped me address some more deep seeded issues that were allowing me to accept that my lack of motivation was ok.

The biggest thing Sue has taught me is to not let these “limiting beliefs” affect my success anymore.

I also time my sessions with Sue to run prior to my team meetings because they put me in a reenergised and inspired state of mind… exactly the state of mind I need when I run my meetings and my business!